Dear friends,
Rarely has a new year been more welcome. We hope the start of 2021 finds you safe and sound – and looking forward, as we are, to better times ahead. While there are undoubtedly plenty of challenges still to come, all of us here at Legistics wanted to take a moment to focus on the many things we’re grateful for – perhaps now more than ever.
First, we’re grateful to be part of your community – one that values justice, demands excellence and knows how to fight for what matters. We’re grateful for the collaborative relationships that sustain and inspire us. Especially during a time when working as a global team can – and must – yield global results.
Finally, we’re filled with gratitude at the simple prospect of meeting in person again in the coming year.
After a year of being reactive, of struggling, of turning inward, we hope that 2021 will be a year of re-engagement. The pandemic has shown us that, without a doubt, we are all citizens of a tightly interconnected world – a world eager for us to work together to solve its most important problems.
In our 2021 calendar, with the help of eight talented artists, we highlight some of those big issues in the hopes that we can maintain our focus, keep an eye on the future, and create a world we can proudly hand to our children and grandchildren.
Each month, we'll post one of these beautiful images along with a bit of written context about each topic. We hope they inspire you as they have us.
Stay well,