Pre-Grand Prix
Apr 13, 2023

PVGC 2023 04 12 33

Just before the Acura Grand Prix at Long Beach — the "200 MPH Beach Party" — we held our own little hometown party. It was a joyful celebration of racing, and of our donors’ generosity, at the Palos Verdes Golf Club.

We brought the drinks and the gratitude, and MDK Motorsports brought our actual Porsche 992 GT3 Club racecar, covered with the names of our donors' loved ones.

Key players from the MDK Motorsports racing team arrived as well: owners Megan and Mark Kvamme; team principal Will Bamber who's newly married to team and driver manager Sarah Serle; driver and coach Trenton Estep; and logistics support and CDL driver Conner Burke.

Undaunted by drizzle

As the Southern California skies turned cloudy and a mist began to dampen the outdoor gathering, we all trooped inside to a delicious dinner and lively conversation, over which our founder Phil Frengs happily presided.

Many of our guests renewed their generous support, adding their loved one’s name to the #43 for the rest of the 2023 season. But the capper of the evening was an utterly unexpected pledge from Meg and Mark: a generous $10,000 matching fund for Racing to End Alzheimer's!

What a fulfilling way to finish off a delightful evening.